Nothing Beats Home Cookin’!
Our small team of caregivers are excellent cooks! Meals are prepared when the residents desire, and to their preferences. Choice is an important part of everyone's quality of life! Our…
We Foster Sincere Relationships between Residents and Caregivers!
Laken Speights and Mr. Jenkins together at Peristyle Residence Cole Road.
Celebrating Irish Heritage!
We have been celebrating Irish Heritage this week at the Peristyle Residences! Mrs. Marie Russo makes Irish themed cupcakes with Billie Stanga, our activities coordinator!
A Beautiful Moment of Inter-Generational Interaction
Our newest resident, Mr. Jenkins enjoys a visit with Christie Sumrall RN and her daughter. Christie is our nurse manager at Peristyle Residence Cole Road.
Signs Your Elderly Parent Is Declining At Their Assisted Living Community
Weight Loss Weight loss is specifically concerning because it can be a sign of malnutrition – a very serious and often under-diagnosed condition that means the body is not getting enough nutrients. Older…
Marie Russo
Mrs. Marie Russo of the Lakeview House enjoys gardening! She enjoys the outdoors on our shaded deck. We strive to make everyday meaningful at the Lakeview House and all…
Henican House Open House Wednesday November 7th
PERISTYLE RESIDENCES HENICAN HOUSE RESIDENTIAL ASSISTED LIVING * PERSONAL CARE HOME OPEN HOUSE Wednesday, November 7th 4:00-6:00pm Hosted by Peggy Stahls, Jason Hemel and Sean Arrillaga Refreshments and light hors…
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